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The Love of Twins

I have found that there is an amazing love and bond between twins.   My girls are identical and they seem to always know what the other wants or needs.   They each have their own bed and yet always seem to end up in bed together.   In the picture below, not only are they sleeping together but you can see they are basically in the same position with their right hands on their foreheads.

Not tired Mommy, just 5 more minutes pleeeeeeeeeeeze!!!

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My girls rely heavily on each other and seek each other out for comfort when they are sad or scared.  They constantly hug each other or hold hands when standing together.  Some people say that twins are double trouble but I truly believe they are a double blessing.  These 2 little girls are the sweetest and most well behaved little people you could ever want to meet.

Arielle and Caitlin's Pre-School graduation.

arielle_graduation.jpg (170243 bytes)  twins_graduation1.jpg (174144 bytes)   caitlin_graduation.jpg (175600 bytes)



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Great Rabbit Resources worth checking out!

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Bunny Books Brought to you by:  amzn-buy.gif (3051 bytes) (Click on the book you would like to see)

House Rabbit Handbook      ASPCA Pet care for kids      10 Little Bunnies      The Essential Rabbit      Hop to it


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Last Updated: October 15, 2002 10:53 PM