As you can see by the picture on the left, Duchess had a broken leg. We adopted Duchess from someone who was going to take him to the Humane Society because they no longer wanted to care for him. I of course didn't feel that was a reason that the bunny needed to die! We adopted Duchess during the Summer of 1997.Oh Yeah...the name Duchess for a boy! That is because when I was asked about taking the rabbit and I agreed, I was told she was a girl. When I came home and told my children that we were adopting a female blue dutch, they wanted to name her Duchess. Well, needless to say, the day I got her and flipped her over I discovered she was definitely NOT a girl! My children had already decided on the name Duchess and although I tried to convince them to come up with a more masculine name, they were not budging. So Duchess it is!With the help of Michigan Rabbit Rescue, Duchess has been adopted out to a permanent family.Click a picture to see a larger image
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