Matthew's PageIs this kid cute or what?!?Click to see a full size image of any of these pictures
Hi my name is Matthew. I am 10 years old. I am very small for my age and I weigh only 56 pounds, even though I am a good eater. I love sports. My favorite sport is BASEBALL. I love to watch it and I love to play it to. I also love to play soccer although I don't watch it on TV. I also like swimming and riding my bike. I have 5 older sisters, and they all act like mothers to me. Most of the time I like it because they are really good to me, but other times it gets really annoying. My sister Jessica is helping me make this page.I have Autism and mild Cerebral Palsy. I am really good in math, better then I should be. I am in 5th grade and in all regular classes, although I do get extra help. My best friends are Jacob and Cameron. They are adopted foster children, just like me. My favorite food is seafood, but out of all of the seafood sushi is my favorite, just like my Dad and sister Jessica. My favorite color is Red. My lucky number is 18. I have brown hair and greenish blue. I am about 4 foot 4 inches. I collect baseball cards. I don't really listen to music. I love to play video games. So there really isn't much to know about me.
This adorable child's name is Matthew and he is 10 years old. Matthew came to live with me as a foster child after 3 1/2 months of severe neglect. The back of his head was flat as a board and it continued this way right down to his middle back. He did not establish eye contact and had no idea how to be cuddled or to lay on his tummy and could not drink a bottle while being held. He also couldn't hold his own bottle till he was 17 months old, and didn't roll over till he was 13 month at which time he also started to crawl. He began walking at 17 months and this was a huge step for him.When a child is upset or crying, a mothers instinct is to hold, cradle and rock the child. Matthew could not tolerate this and would arch his back and push away. The only way to calm him was to lay him on his back with his pacifier in his mouth and a cloth diaper over his face. He would hold the diaper on his face and rock himself back and forth. It took us around 8 months to teach Matthew to drink a bottle in a sitting up position, he only knew how to drink when flat on his back.Matthew has Cerebral Palsy and is Autistic. Matthew started attending a preschool for children with special needs when he was 2. Matthew received a great deal of therapy from a very young age and his doctors say he should be the poster child for why early intervention is so important. Matthew is very functional and most people wouldn't even guess that he has these problems in less they spent a lot of time around him. He has progressed much farther than was ever expected.Matthew is absolutely adorable child and so incredibly sweet and loving that we decided to adopt him instead of him leaving our home to be placed into an adoptive home. For the 18 years we have fostered children, we have always said we are not in this to adopt and we just foster the kids until a permanent home can be found for them. This little boy reached out and grabbed our hearts in such a way that we could not imagine allowing him to leave and not become a permanent part of our family. He had never shown attachment to any one, but one day when I was leaving for work he reached up and hugged me around her neck. As I was walking out the door I was thinking to myself that I couldn't let him leave now, because he is finally attached. I immediately called my husband Marvin and told him what happened and that I couldn't let him go, he couldn't agree more. So we called the adoption agency and told them I wanted to adopt him. My husband said if I had asked him a couple months earlier he would have said i was crazy. On 12/12/00, Matthew became a permanent part of our family and we couldn't be happier. He knows he was adopted and when he was little he use to call it his readoption, which always made us laugh.
Since Matthew came to live with us at 3.5 months of age, he has NEVER slept through the night. For the last several years, he wakes up 2 to 5 times a night "battling" with someone. He is kicking and pushing and shouting things like "leave me alone", "go away", "don't touch me" and other things of this sort. His battles are always the same, the words never change and the episodes look exactly the same. In the morning, he is never aware that he has awakened during the night. In March 2005, his Neurologist and his sleep doctor sent him to Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital to have a thorough sleep study done. There is a possibility that he is having seizures in the frontal lobe and a certain stage in his sleep. In the pictures below, you can see Matthew preparing in advance for his sleep study, and practicing on a doll for everything that will be getting hooked up to him.
Matthew is my sister Nicole's little "beloved". She dotes on this boy and likes to take him with her when she goes places. She also likes to pose him for pictures because she feels as I do, that he is gorgeous.
The picture below shows Matthew with his new and
fabulous painting, made specially for him by
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