Marissa's PageClick here to visit Marissa's own web pageI am 18 years old and love dolphins, skiing, football, soccer, gymnastics, well I like any type of sport. Sports I would have to say is my best hobby. I have a wonderful sense of humor and I like to joke around. Not only can I dish out the jokes, I can accept them of myself as well. My mom calls me her little "Punk". I sort of take after my older sister. I currently attend the Cleveland Institute of Art and I absolutely love it.My two favorite people in my life are my mom and my grandpa. I love my mom so much because she's awesome of course but also because I can tell her anything, and I do tell her everything. She's not like regular moms, she's open with me and will happily talk about anything. And you know what I mean when I say anything! (wink wink) My grandpa who I call Zeidi (Yiddish) is my biggest role model. I love talking to him because he knows EVERYTHING! He also gives the best back massages. Click on any picture to see a full size image
See Marissa making her Tallit (prayer Shawl) by Clicking Here and be able to hear her say her prayers.
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