Arielle's PageI am 14 years old, and if you haven't figured it out already, I have an identical twin named Caitlin . I loves to do Art, Wrestling, and Currently Weight lifting. I am an all around sweetheart (most of the time anyway) and Mommy calls me her Ari Doll, or just most of the time she calls me Ari. Caitlin and I are both in 9th grade. I absolutely love our animals and I am very gentle with them. My favorite subjects at school are Geometry, and History. I used to love to go to temple with my Mom almost every Saturday morning and stand up there with her when she was leading services and reading Torah, but now I have a job and work every Saturday. I was the only girl on the boys wrestling team during the season, for 2 years but I broke my ankle during practice one day in 2007, and last year I broke my elbow during practice, because the boy I was wrestling did a single leg takedown incorrectly. This year during gym class, I broke my ankle again, but this time we were in the weight room and I twisted it and I heard it pop. We went to the doctors and found out that all of the tendons were torn away from the bone. But any way, Everyone at my school was asking me if it was true that I was on the wrestling team, and even when the season ended, for both years, people were still shocked by that fact. Last year I was the only girl on the Weight lifting team at my school. I told my mom that I got my inspiration for wrestling and weight lifting from her when I saw pictures of her as an Olympic Weight lifter, and my Zaddie (my grandfather) because of how strong and powerful that I think he is. Also I got my inspiration from my Daddy, because of how flexible he used to be when he was an acro gymnast. I love doing cross-gender sports, and if they are not, I will prove everyone wrong who said that girls could not do a certain sport. I am a very outgoing kind of person, I love to make friends and hang out with everyone in all of my classes. I am always on the phone with my friends, mostly guys, and I am always smiling when I hang out with them. My mom constantly lets me have my friends over to our house because she likes our house to be the "go-to-house". And she likes a lot of my friends. They are very sweet and nice, and very age appropriate. I know that I have to have my homework and my chores done before I can have anyone over though. I used go to the public library almost every day after school, I loved to hangout with my friends there, we had so much fun.Click on an image to see a full size picture
I love to hang out with most of the guys at school. I don't not have very many girl friends, but I love to, and constantly talks with the ones I do have. I love playing with little kids and I can handle them very well. I actually baby-sits now for a alot of children. They range in ages from 13 months old to 11 years old. I am very gentle with all of the animals. I do a great job of cleaning up after the bunnies. I am able to empty, wash and refill the litter boxes and I do it without complaining, (most of the time). I love to be everyone's little helper and I am very amiable and always lets others have their way. My mom often has to say No to me, I am not giving in and that this time, I am getting my way, but I always like to have other people get their way no matter how hard I try to tell them No myself.I Love Frogs. They are my number one favorite animal. My bedroom is covered with frog stuff. I always draw frogs on my walls, I have so many stuffed frogs, and I have a stuffed frog that I can play with online, which I do. I have frogs on a lot of my clothes, I have frog blankets and pillows, and I always want to buy everything that has a frog on it or is a frog that I see when I go shopping.
I am very outgoing and I love to talk with my friends, if you happen to know me or if you want to, you can go to my personal website that I created about a year and a half ago. http://skullgirl11.piczo.com/ Go ahead and check it out. Leave some comments for me too.
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