Daffy's Page
Went to the bridge on 9/29/02

Daffy Doofers

Daffy Peeking out of his hiding place!

Daffy relaxing on the stairs...check out those ears!!!

Daffy with Peter and Fluffy having a little "grooming party"
This bunnies name was Daffy and he was one
of the babies we rescued from the Ashtabula Humane Society. His father
was the bunny
we adopted earlier named Big Bunny. This bunny actually
belonged to my daughter Nicole and she took very good care of
him. When we first got Daffy, we thought it was a girl since it was pretty small and
my daughter named "her" Daisy Mae. Within a few weeks we realized it was
definitely a boy and so the name was quite inappropriate! Daffy really
settled down and enjoyed running free.
These next few pictures show
Daffy playing in my backyard.

Update: Daffy became sick like
several of the other rabbits and then passed away. I now believe it is
mycotoxin poisoning since all the symptoms the bunnies have been having are
consistent with the information from this website: http://www.morfz.com/myco.html
In addition, the pet store we have bought our food at for the last 8 years
changed their brand of food about 2 months ago. My husband commented how
it didn't look or smell as good as the other food. 6 weeks after eating
this food, the bunnies began getting sick. The bunnies that are sick or
that I have lost have had corneal ulcers, liver damage, runny eyes, messy butts,
started losing lots of weight and many other things. We have tried several
different medications to try to get this to stop. I am not sure I can deal
with losing any more bunnies. This has been so hard on me and the kids to
deal with and understand. I have changed all my food over to Purina Rabbit
Chow and got fresh hay. I am sending some samples of the other food to a
lab to test for the mycotoxins.
To find out how this story continues, click here to read
SweetPea's page or click
here to read the story of Mycotoxin