Dazzle's Page
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This bunny is my beautiful Dazzle, I call him my "Dazzy
Man". Dazzy is an English Angora and he weighs about 7 pounds.
We adopted Dazzle in the fall of 1995.
Very sadly, Dazzy Man went to the
bridge on 10/12/04. He had not been sick, we just found him gone in the
morning and we miss him dearly.



My Beautiful Dazzle ("Dazzy Man")
Dazzy playing with our cat Shira.
Dazzy enjoying some time in our yard.
Dazzle absolutely loves
attention and loves to be pet. If I try to walk away from him he stands up on his
hind legs and puts his front paws on my leg in order to get my attention.
Dazzle is like a big squishy stuffed animal and will sit with me for hours. He
loves to be pet and never runs away from me when I walk over to pick him up. This
bunny truly does love to cuddle.



This is my cat Shaney snuggling up with Dazzle.
This is Dazzle during Halloween 1999.
Dazzy giving me a kiss, that's Caly in the background.



Dazzy loves to play with his toys. Here you can see him
playing with his acrylic link from bunnyluv.
Dazzle, Thunder and Shaney in March of 2004
Dazzy with another one of his toys.
Dazzle was my loverboy, my ray of
sunshine, my first angora and accepted every rabbit I brought into my home after
him. He was gently and like the daddy to everyone else. Dazzle live
with me and my family for 9 years, attended many petbunny Halloween balls and
was the spokesperson for my local humane society. He went with me to many
adoption events, just so people could see him and I could get them talking about
the proper care of rabbits. It has taken me until 1/06 to completely close
Dazzle's story and complete the ending to his web page. He meant the world
to me and I miss him dearly.